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File Handling in C

FILE HANDLING IN C File handling in C enables us to create, update, read, and delete the files stored on the local file system through our C program. Why we use?:- because for sometime there is a large data which is not displayed on the console window properly.another reason is to access the data again and again.For solving the above problem there is a need to store the data in the file,which is handle in c. C File Operation:- Creation of a new file. Opening an existing file. Reading data from a file. Writing data in a file. Closing a file. Steps for Processing a File:- Declare a file pointer variable Open a file using fopen() function process the file using suitable function close the file using fclose() function. Functions for File Handling:- File Handling in C Not let us understand each functions:- fopen() fprintf() fscanf() fputc()            //All function is defined in stdio.h header file fgetc() fclos...

pointer to an array and array of pointer

Pointer to an Array:-  pointer to an array is also known as array pointer.It means access the array using pointer.such as insert element ,find element etc. EXAMPLE:- NOTE:- *b+0 is the address of 0th element,*b+1 is the address of 1st element and so to obtain the value at that address again * is used that is *(*b+0) is the value of 0th element and so on.. Array of pointer:-   It is an array of pointer variable.It is also known as pointer array.Means an array is created which is the pointer. Syntax:- data type *pointer name [array size] ;  Note:- if we write pointer name inside () brackets then it become pointer to an array. Declaration:- int *ptr[5];   EXAMPLE:-  """I HOPE YOU UNDERSTAND"""


DEF:- The C Preprocessor or cpp is the macro processor for the C and C++ programming language.It provide the ability for the inclusion of header file, macro expansion ,conditional compilation( #if,#ifdef,#ifndef,#else,#elif,#endif ) and line control. NOTE:- preprocessor directive are executed before compilation.All preprocessor directive starts with the # hash-symbol. There any many preprocessor directives in c language.In the figure there are two #if written. 1)#include:- The #include preprocessor directive is used to paste code of given file into current file. It is used include system-defined and user-defined header files. If included file is not found, compiler renders error. By the use of #include directive, we provide information to the preprocessor where to look for the header files. There are two variants to use #include directive. (a) #include <filename> :- The #include <filename> tells the compiler to look for the directory where system header file...

Escape Sequences

DEF:- Escape Sequence is a sequence of character that does not represent itself in the output ,but its effect is visible.It is a sequence of two or more character starting with the backslash(\). For Example:- \n :- it move the cursor to the next line List Of Some Escape Sequences Are:- EXAMPLE:- 

Dynamic Memory Allocation

DMA(Dynamic Memory Allocation):-                           At run time decision is taken how much memory is taken by the variable.So there are two ways come to make a variable . SMA:in which create a variable and how much memory taken is decided at the compilation time.For example :- int a, int b[10]; These variable a and b take a fix amount of memory. DMA:- second we create a variable which take the memory at the run time(i.e dynamically).The variable which is created dynamically does not have a name they have a address for which we use a pointer because only pointer access the address. Use(need) of DMA:-                        we study about the array.An array is a collection of items(data) having a fixed size. suppose we create an array.  For Example:- int a[6]={1,2,3,4,5,6}; Here size of array is fixed.what will happen if we need to...

Static Memory Allocation

Statement are of two types:- Declaration:- in which we declare the variable Action:- in which for,if-else,getch,printf,scanf etc are used. SMA(STATIC MEMORY ALLOCATION):-                                whenever we create a program,there is a line of declaration statement(or data type declarartion statement) such as int a;char b;etc. Due to this statement we create a variable a,now this variable is the example of SMA.SMA means how much memory is consumed by variable at the time of compiler,this decision is taken before the compilation. At the compile time these variable such as a and b does not having a memory.Memory is given when program is run i.e when object file convert into .exe file.But when program is run how much memory is taken by the variable is decided at the compilation time.This is known as SMA(Static Memory Allocation).   

Type casting

type casting or type conversion  allows us to convert one data types into another.for type casting cast operator is required. Syntax:--      (type)expression or value; Example:       int f =9/4; //without type casting       o/p=2       float f=(float)9/4;  //with type casting       o/p=2.3 Type conversion are of two types: 1)Implicit Type Conversion:-  it is also known as automatic type conversion.When the type conversion is performed automatically by the compiler,such type of conversion is known as implicit type conversion. 2)Explicit Type Conversion:-  the type conversion performed by the programmer is known as explicit type conversion.which is done by cast operator as above mentioned.