- "hello world" program.
- C program take input from user by scanf.
- C program to add two integer
- find ASCII value of a character
- find Quotient and Remainder
- find size of data types.
- swap two number by using third variable or without using
- enter a no.by user and check whether number is odd or even.
- check whether an entered character is vowel or not.
- find roots of the quadratic equation.
- C program to check whether year is leap or not.
- C program to find the largest no. between 3 number.
- find the sum of natural number between any range.
- find the character is alphabet or not.
- C program to find the factorial of a given number.
- C program to display fibonacci series.
- C program to find HCF and LCM
- C program to print all characters in alphabet.
- C program to display a multiplication table.
- C program to count the number of digits in number
- C program to reverse a number and string
- Number is prime or not
- Calculate the power of a number
- Check number and string is palindrome or not
- Check number is armstrong number or not
- Find the Factors of the Number.
- Print star patter in different shapes
- Print number pattern in different shapes
- Make a simple calculator only +,-,*,and%
- Convert decimal into binary and vice versa
- Find largest number in an array
- Add and Multiply two matrix
- Access Array Element using Pointers
- Increment a number using Call By Reference
- Find frequency or count the number of character in string
- Find Length of String
- Count the characters and vowels in a string
- Concatenate strings
- Use String function
A function can be called by two types 1) Call By Value:- when an original value is not modified , is known as call by value. In call by value the actual parameter(the parameter passed to function) is copied into the formal parameter(parameter receive by function). in this the value of each variable in calling function is copied into the corresponding dummy variable of the called function. the changes made to the dummy variable have no effect on the actual variable. Example:- 2)Call By Reference:- when an original value is modified, is known as call by reference.in this a reference is used , denoted by &(symbol). we can use either pointer or reference for call by reference in this the address of the variable is passed into the function called by actual parameter. in this the memory allocation is same for both actual and formal arguments. Example:-
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