Advantage of Array:--
- Array is a linear collection of similar elements
- Array is also known as subscript value
- Array is a group of value
- when there is a lot of data then array is required
- Array are the derived data types in c language which can store the primitive data types of type int, float, char etc.
- in array each element have index, through index each element can be accessed randomly.
Advantage of Array:--
- Code Optimization:- less code to access the data
- Ease of traversing:- by using loop we can traverse the element of array
- Ease of sorting:- to sort the array only few codes are written
- randomly access:- any element access randomly
- Fixed size:- the size of array is defined when we declared an array, which cannot be change.Array in c are not dynamically like linked list etc.
- An Array can be declared such as we declare the function , only difference is ,In function argument is passed but in array size is declared
- [] brackets are used to define the size of array
- index no. is start from 0
example:-- int a[7]; //array a of type int is declared having size 7 and also have a value
a[0]=11; // 11 is insert at index no. 0
Note:- an Array is initialize when it is declared
- int a[7]={11,22,33,44,55,66,77};
- int a[]={11,22,33,44,55,66,77}; // without giving size
2-Dimensional Array:- 2 d array having rows and column, i.e[][] two square brackets having used.
first one for rows and second one for column in each rows
Syntax:-- int arr[4][3]={{1,2,3},{4,5,6},{7,8,9},{10,11,12}};
Explanation:-- here from diagram clearly seen how 2 d array takes memory ,
to access any element bu using index no. is a[1][2]=5;
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