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SHOULD KNOW:- Quadratic Equation are in the form of ax2(x power 2)+bx+c=0 .Where a,b,c are real number and a!=0.
To find out root , first we find out the discriminant(D), which is equal to D=b2(b square) - 4ac.It gives nature of roots.

(a) if D>0 then the roots are real and different.
     formula:  roots1 = -b+sqrt(D)/2a  and roots2 = -b-sqrt(D)/2a, where sqrt means square root of

(b) if D=0 then the roots are real and equal.
     formula: roots1 = roots2 = -b/2a

(c) if D<0 then the roots are complex(means combination of real and imaginary number) and different.
    formula: roots1 = (-b + i * sqrt(-D))/2a and roots2 = (-b - i *sqrt(-D))/2a

LOGIC:- as we find out in math simply find out in program, but here sqrt is function which required a header file math.h




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