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Showing posts from March, 2020

Type casting

type casting or type conversion  allows us to convert one data types into another.for type casting cast operator is required. Syntax:--      (type)expression or value; Example:       int f =9/4; //without type casting       o/p=2       float f=(float)9/4;  //with type casting       o/p=2.3 Type conversion are of two types: 1)Implicit Type Conversion:-  it is also known as automatic type conversion.When the type conversion is performed automatically by the compiler,such type of conversion is known as implicit type conversion. 2)Explicit Type Conversion:-  the type conversion performed by the programmer is known as explicit type conversion.which is done by cast operator as above mentioned.


Definition:-                 Union is similar to structure, except it allows you to define the variable that share storage spaces.Defining a means creating a new data types. How use union:-                       when we create a structure by using struct keyword, now making a union we just replace the keyword struct with the keyword union , other syntax will be same. Difference  between Structure  and Union:- the only difference between them is in memory. NOTE:-  union is used for low level programming but structure mostly used for high level programming. Program to access union:- """SHARE IT WITH YOUR FRIENDS IF HE DID NOT KNOW""""


Definition:- Defining a structure means creating a new datatypes It gives a way to grouping a variable Structure is a collection of dissimilar elements while array is for similar  it can be defined outside or inside the function struct keyword is used for defining a structure   Syntax:            struct variable_name          {    declaration of member variable   };                                              at last ; semicolon insert  Example:   1)   struct date{     //define outside the function         int d,m,y;  //member variable         };   or }d2;  where d2 is the variable of structure         main()         {...


String is a sequence of character which terminated by null character("\0"). String basically a 1-D array of characters. Size of string is one more than the character in string, for example :"hello" 5 character but size is 6. Example:- declare and initialize an string, which is same as array NOTE:- printf("%c",hi[i]);  print character printf("%s",hi);  print whole string   Functions Related to String:- ///click here to see the use of every function///


Dynamic memory allocation cannot be performed without using pointers, so it is necessary to learn a pointers. A pointer is a variable which holds the address of the another variable. Pointer is also declared as other variable declared, but it use a asterisk(*) symbol, to represent that it is a pointer. Syntax:- data_types *variable_name; Example:-  int *p; // integer pointer Note:-  A pointer can hold the address of that variable, which is same as pointer data types,i.e data types of pointer variable=data types of other variable.           Every variable is a memory location, and every memory location has its own address which can be accessed by using ampersand(&) operator. Program:-  to print the address of a variable:  Use Pointer:-  define a pointer variable assign the address of the other variable into pointer variable access the value at the address, from the pointer variable.It is done by using unary(*) ope...

Storage classes in C

DEFINITION:-  Storage class define the scope(visibilty) and life time of a variables or functions within a C program.Storage class are associated with the variables for describing the features of any variables or functions. There are 4 types of storage classes: auto:-   auto is the default storage class for all local variable(i.e the variable inside function).auto keyword is used to define the storage classes. register :-   register is used to define the local variables that should be stored in a register instead of RAM(random access memory) , this means that unary operator (& or reference) can't applied.Register variables work fast than the variable stored in RAM.Register variable are used for looping. static:-   it is the default storage classes for global static variable can be accessed in any part of the program.The default value is assigned 0 by the compiler.static keyword is used to define the static variable. ...


DEF:- Array is a linear collection of similar elements Array is also known as subscript value Array is a group of value when there is a lot of data then array is required Array are the derived data types in c language which can store the primitive data types of type int, float, char etc. in array each element have index, through index each element can be accessed randomly. Advantage of Array:-- Code Optimization:- less code to access the data Ease of traversing:- by using loop we can traverse the element of array Ease of sorting:- to sort the array only few codes are written randomly access:- any element access randomly Disadvantage of Array:- Fixed size:- the size of array is defined when we declared an array, which cannot be change.Array in c are not dynamically like linked list etc. Declaration of Array:- An Array can be declared such as we declare the function , only difference is ,In function argument is passed but in array size is declared [...


A function can be called by two types 1) Call By Value:-   when an original value is not modified , is known as call by value. In call by value the actual parameter(the parameter passed to function) is copied into the formal parameter(parameter receive by function). in this the value of each variable in calling function is copied into the corresponding dummy variable of the called function. the changes made to the dummy variable have no effect on the actual variable. Example:-   2)Call By Reference:-   when an original value is modified, is known as call by this a reference is used , denoted by &(symbol). we can use either pointer or reference for call by reference in this the address of the variable is passed into the function called by actual parameter. in this the memory allocation is same for both actual and formal arguments. Example:-   


Definition:- when a function call itself is called recursion. note:- the problem which is solved by recursion is also solved by loops, but it is not necessary the problem solved by loops is also solved by recursion.  Example:- Explanation:- 1) a fun function declared which takes argument and return value 2) main starts fun is called by passing 3 value 3)after calling fun definition starts, where check if a==1 no because a is 3, s=a+fun(a-1) means s=3+fun(2)  from here fun function is again called now this body again execute now a is 2, so s=3+fun(2), fun(2) is replaced by 2+fun(2-1=1) i.e s=3+2+fun(1) again fun function is called... overall s=3+2+1=6, s is return this return value goes where fun function is called , where return value is stored in k, so k=6 now print is 6. 


Definition:- it is basically a piece of code it has name for identification a function can be called multiple times to maintain the reusability and modularity. by writing function we can avoid same writing/piece of code Function aspects:-  3 aspects of function are 1.function declaration:- a function must be declared globally in c , to tell the compiler about function name, function return type, function parameter.           Syntax:-   return_type function_name(arguments or data_types parameter);              example:-   void sum(int a,int b); 2.function call:-  a function can be called anywhere from the program, pass the same no. of parameter as we write in function declaration.         Syntax:-   function_name(argument_list)             example:-   sum(a,b) 3.function definition:-  it contains the actual statements whi...


we discussed about control instruction, but control instruction are also of four types: Decision Control Instruction--- Iterative Control Instruction(for, while, do-while)-- Switch Case control instruction-- go to control instruction -- """to know in detail click on the link""" """help your friend also"""

Operators in C

Operators: operator basically perform the operation, for which they need an operand(data).without operand no one operator can perform the operation. operator perform mathematical and logical functions. In C there is no BODMAS. Types of operator are:- click here to know each operator operation

Instruction in C

as we say sentence in our language similarly instruction is a sentence in programming language. instructions are the command that what will do. program statements are called instruction and statement are terminated by ;(semicolon). types of instruction are:- data type declaration instruction input output instruction Arithmetic instruction Control instruction

Identifiers in C

Identifiers are:-  constant variables keywords Define constant:- Any information is constant data = information = constant types of constant primary:- integer,real,character secondary:- they are made with the help of primary such as:- array,string,pointer,union,etc. Define variables:- variables are the name of memory location where we store data variable name is any combination of alphabet,digit the first letter cannot be a digit Keywords:-  keywords are the predefined or reserved words.In C there are 31 keywords.C is a case sensitive so use keyword in small alphabets. 

Compilation Process in C

Compilation The conversion of source code into object code is known as compilation.This process is done with the help of compiler. below is a full diagram of showing how source code convert into software(i.e software development in c) Explanation:- Source code :- the c programming coding is known as source code. save your programe with .c extension then your file become source file for example in fig: sum.c is a source file in which source code is written to print a hello. Prerocessor :- first we need a preprocessor software to convert source file (i.e .c file).Preprocessor handle all those statement which is starting from # symbol. Header file :-  In our programe as seen clearly in sum.c we did not create any header file (i.e which start from # symbol) we just use it.Preprocessor add the content of header file in our source file and creates a new file this file same as our source file but only difference is that the header file removed from the new file which ...


Data types are used to define the variable which hold the different-2 types of value. for different -2 values there are different -2 data types. Data types in C are shown in fig:-  Note:- from 31 keywords there are 5 keywords known as primitive data types .  primitive data types are those data types which is already defined. On other hand there is non primitive data types .It is defined by user.

Introduction to C

About C:- C is a high-level language . It was initially first developed by D ennis Ritchie in 1972. It was developed to overcome the limitation of previous language such as B,BCPL etc. It was developed for Unix operating System It inherits many features of previous language Features/Advantage:- Simple :- because it provide data types, library function etc. Machine Independent or Portable:- because it can be executed on different machine Procedural language:- Instruction in c program are executed step by step Structured programming language:- break the problem into parts It provide dynamic memory allocation , pointers etc. Speed:-It is faster than another programming language like java, python etc. Disadvantage of C:- It does not support oops concept in which inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation etc. come. It does not support namespace concept It does not support constructor and destructor There is lack of excepti...